Friday, June 15, 2012

Red Clover

I'm working on a new set of goals.  I've been overwhelmed with my life for the past month or so to the point of just sitting around doing nothin'.  Then I'm depressed about doing nothin' which them makes me not want to anythin'. It's a vicious cycle.

I'm reading a book called the "Happiness Project".  Yup, similar to the Gratitude Project here. :)

Anyway...I'm not going to go into the book other than to say that the author wanted to create a happier life for herself.  Appreciating her life and family more.

Spinning off from her ideas I've decided that I'm just going to set three little goals to accomplish every day.  The same goals, so as not to get too confusing.

1. Make my bed
2. Read with Joey
3. Walk the Loop*

*The Loop is my name for the 1/2 mile paved circle of an medical complex that hasn't been built yet.  All I have to walk is one time around the Loop.  If I want to do more, that's fine too.

I've been 100% the last five days. (I just set the goal on Sunday)  I'm finding that I'm having more of a desire to get other tasks accomplished as well.  I'm finding my desire to create to be springing up again also.

Today I didn't really want to walk the Loop but it's a simple thing.  Before I left, I asked the Lord with a simple prayer in my heart if He would should me something unique on my walk. (The Loop is starting to get boring)

I set off on the Loop and I hadn't walked a 1/4 of it before I noticed some red clover on the side of the road.  I've been searching for some red clover flowers to collect and make into a tincture.  All the red clover I've been seeing has been on the sides of roads where there are too much car fumes coating the flowers.  These flowers on the Loop we untainted and perfect.  There were only about five or six I was able to collect but there are many plants starting to bloom and soon I'll have enough to make a tincture.

How kind was my dear Father in Heaven to show me exactly for what I've been looking for a couple of months now.  I look forward to my walks because I know I'll be able to collect more flowers.

I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father that was so kind and thoughtful and specific.